Det topprangerte verktøybeltet fra Sverige

Med et Snikki-belte har du alltid de viktigste verktøyene tilgjengelig samtidig som du reduserer belastningen på kroppen. Vårt system gjør det mulig å skape et helt unikt belte ved å velge de lommene og funksjonene som er viktigst i ditt daglige arbeid. Vi tilbyr belter og lommer i tradisjonelt skinn samt lette syntetiske materialer som passer dine preferanser. Skinnet av høy kvalitet holder seg mykt når det er kaldt og har en innside som er behandlet for å forhindre gnagsår, og våre syntetiske produkter er smuss- og vannavstøtende. Uansett hvilke Snikki-komponenter du velger, kan du stole på at du vil ha et slitesterkt og komfortabelt verktøybelte i årene som kommer. Alle våre Snikki-belter er utviklet i samarbeid med håndverkere.


For å maksimere komforten på jobben har vi laget et system med ergonomiske belter og seler som fordeler vekten på hoftene jevnt over skuldrene. Vi kaller dette Snikki Ergosystemet. Ergo-beltene og selene kan kombineres med alle verktøylommer og materiallommer i vårt sortiment for å sikre at du har alle funksjonene du trenger. I veiledningen nedenfor har vi laget ni Snikki-design basert på vårt ergosystem, gruppert etter ditt yrke. Enten du er snekker, platearbeider, elektriker eller vaktmester, har vi et forslag til beltedesign for deg. Naturligvis kan du lage ditt eget unike design eller velge en av våre konfeksjonsmodeller.



Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the      body                    
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body

Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife
holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key

Tool holder with 4 pockets,  hammer and sheath knife holders                    
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for nails and knife holder
Tool and material pouch with a larger pocket for nails, screws, tie wire etc, and 2 smaller pockets

Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails as well as knife holder

Box holder for nails and screws

Tool pouch for screws, bolts, nails etc.

Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Holder power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for nails and knife holder
Tool and material pouch with a larger pocket for nails, screws, tie wire etc, and 2 smaller pockets
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails as well as knife holder
Box holder for nails and screws

Tool pouch for screws, bolts, nails etc.
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key  
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for nails and knife holder
Tool and material pouch with a larger pocket for nails, screws, tie wire etc, and 2 smaller pockets
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails as well as knife holder
Box holder for nails and screws

Tool pouch for screws, bolts, nails etc.
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun




Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body

Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers,screwdrivers,
nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape

Tool holder with 3 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers,
​​​​​​​nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder                     
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder

Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc                                                           
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool holder with 3 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc  
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body            
Durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Toolpocket with 10 pocket for isolated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc.and holder for tape
Toolpocket with 10 pocket for isolated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc. and holder for tape
Tool holder with 3 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Material pouch with two pockets for screws and nails etc.
Material pouch with two pockets for screws and nails etc
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc  
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun




Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body

Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters,
nippers etc
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc

Tool holder with 3 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers etc
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders ​​​​​​​and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key

Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders                                              
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath
knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder

Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch for screws and nails etc

Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 3 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers etc
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders  
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch for screws and nails etc
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 3 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers etc.
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch for screws and nails etc
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

populære lommer for vaktmester, VEDLIKEHOLDSTEKNIKER


Du kan alltid tilpasse Snikki-beltet ditt for å få akkurat de verktøyholderne og materialposene du ønsker.
Bare følg disse trinnene for å optimalisere beltet for ditt yrke:


Velg mellom våre Ergo-belter i skinn eller lettvektsmateriale. Legg til seler for økt komfort. Brede skulderdeler som ikke sklir, avlaster rygg og hofter og sprer vekten av verktøyene.

Legg til materialposene og verktøyholderne du trenger til arbeidet ditt. Snikki-systemet er veldig fleksibelt og poser og holdere kan enkelt byttes ut ved behov. De kan også festes til ditt vanlige Fristads skinnbelte.


Du fester enkelt lommene med  "Quick grip" for skinnlommene og  "Quick snap" for lommene i lettvektsmateriale.


Det klassiske Snikki-beltet laget av skinn har samme flotte funksjonalitet som da vi startet for over 50 år siden, men har blitt modifisert over tid for å møte behovene til den moderne håndverkeren.



