Fristads ConceptShop
When creating a user account for Fristads ConceptShop we connect your account to your customer ID. This means you can see your prices as soon as you log in at fristads.com. You can easily choose to view your prices with or without VAT.
In Fristads ConceptShop you can see our stock levels at the colour and size level. If a product is out of stock, you can see the estimated shipping date and suggestions for similar products available in stock.
See all your orders placed in Fristads ConceptShop and status for each order. If you are about to reorder a product you can easily search on product number and see which quantity you ordered last time. If you have repeat orders, you can also use the function “order again.”
When you place your order in Fristads ConceptShop we eliminate one step in the order process. Your order can be handled directly by our autostore which means faster deliveries. If a product is temporarily out of stock, you can tell right away and choose a substitute product or place a pre-order.
In Fristads ConceptShop you can find all ongoing campaigns, as well as exclusive online offers and inspirational content. For example, you can find suggestions for how to mix and match different Fristads products, product guides, user stories and display suggestions for your store and campaign areas.
During 2022 we launched a new return system. Via the new digital system, you can manage your returns and complaints yourself when it suits you. No telephone queue or waiting for e-mail replies. Read more about the system here.