Felix Lundin

”When I think of Fristads I see a pair of blue bib and braces with the iconic logo in the back, a classic that I have grown up with and use myself.”

Felix Lundin

”When I think of Fristads I see a pair of blue bib and braces with the iconic logo in the back, a classic that I have grown up with and use myself.”

Name: Felix Lundin
Age: 31 years old
Profession: ​​​​​​​Carpenter
Instagram: @felkansnickrar
Motto: ”Faster, steeper”.

Not all carpenters can do a double backflip on skis or voluntarily throw themselves down a claustrophobically narrow chute in the Swiss Alps, but Felix ”Felkan” Lundin is one of them. This freeride nerd from Stockholm has worked with maintenance for nine years and as a carpenter for three years, before quitting his job and starting his own business in 2023. Now he generously shares his best tips on Instagram, showing DIYers and others how to cut a pile of boards in the fastest possible way as well as how to create the nicest baseboard corners.

Name: Felix Lundin
Age: 31 years old
Profession: ​​​​​​​Carpenter
Instagram: @felkansnickrar
Motto: ”Faster, steeper”.

Not all carpenters can do a double backflip on skis or voluntarily throw themselves down a claustrophobically narrow chute in the Swiss Alps, but Felix ”Felkan” Lundin is one of them. This freeride nerd from Stockholm has worked with maintenance for nine years and as a carpenter for three years, before quitting his job and starting his own business in 2023. Now he generously shares his best tips on Instagram, showing DIYers and others how to cut a pile of boards in the fastest possible way as well as how to create the nicest baseboard corners. ​​​​​​​

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