Sebastian karlsson

”I think Fristads’ clothes look really good, but above all they are high quality and are comfortable to work in.”

sebastian karlsson

”I think Fristads’ clothes look really good, but above all they are high quality and are comfortable to work in.”

Name: Sebastian Karlsson
Age: 20 Years old
Profession: ​​​​​​​Carpenter
Instagram: @lenkab_bygg
Motto: “We’re building a green future.”

Carentere Sebastian Karlsson is only 20 years old but is already running his own business Lenkab in Umeå together with his father. The company brands itself as having a focus on the environment and sustainable construction and a quick look at Sebastian’s previous building projects suggests a fondness for natural materials like wood. Instagram gives him a creative outlet for his other great passions in life, namely photography, filmmaking and video editing. Follow Sebastian for sustainable construction inspiration and watch as he is testing tools and – of course – workwear from Fristads in the otherworldly beauty of northern Sweden.

Name: Sebastian Karlsson
Age: 20 Years old
Profession: ​​​​​​​Carpenter
Instagram: @lenkab_bygg
Motto: “We’re building a green future.”

Carentere Sebastian Karlsson is only 20 years old but is already running his own business Lenkab in Umeå together with his father. The company brands itself as having a focus on the environment and sustainable construction and a quick look at Sebastian’s previous building projects suggests a fondness for natural materials like wood. Instagram gives him a creative outlet for his other great passions in life, namely photography, filmmaking and video editing. Follow Sebastian for sustainable construction inspiration and watch as he is testing tools and – of course – workwear from Fristads in the otherworldly beauty of northern Sweden. ​​​​​​​

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