Product declaration
Our ambition to make a difference has led us onto new, unknown paths. Our most comprehensive project so far is without doubt the development of a new standard for measuring the overall environmental impact of a garment, something we were the first in the world to apply to a clothing collection. The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a tool that guides customers, buyers and those responsible for public procurement to make more conscious choices to minimise their environmental impact.
As part of our efforts to develop the new standard, we launched Fristads Green – the world's first environmentally declared clothing collection. The collection is based on a completely new concept where the entire production chain is characterised by environmental awareness and innovative solutions to minimise the impact on the environment. We started with a collection for craftsmen in autumn 2019 and followed up with garments for service and industry in early 2020 and outerwear garments later that year. In 2022, we launched the world’s first environmentally declared high-visibility collection and in the coming years we will launch garments with EPDs within all product categories.
The EPD project took almost two years to complete and began with an assignment from the management team to develop a more environmentally friendly workwear collection. We contacted the RISE governmental research institute for their advice on the best way to take the lead and they suggested the development of an Environmental Product Declaration for clothing. EPDs have long been used in other product areas such as building materials, but Fristads is the first player to have adapted the standard for garments.
The process of adapting the standard meant that the entire production chain and life cycle of the garment were inspected – from the choice of materials, the quantity of materials, the dyeing process, the water and electricity consumption in factories, to the packaging and transport of the finished garment. All aspects of the garment and its development were examined.
As part of the project, a new collection was also launched – Fristads Green. This meant that we were challenged to find a more environmentally conscious design process and production method. We also gained insights into and confirmation of the importance of working with the right kind of raw materials and processes as they impact not only the production and quality of the finished products, but also the garments’ effect on the environment.
An EPD is an independent, verified and registered document that shows transparent and comparable information on how a product impacts the environment during its life cycle.
All EPDs registered in the international EPD® system are available and are free to download at www.environdec.com. You also find the EPD reports below each Fristads Green product under Certificates.
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