With a Snikki belt, you always have your most important tools close at hand while reducing strain on your body. Our system makes it possible to create a completely unique belt by choosing the pockets and functions that are most important in your daily work. We offer belts and pockets in traditional leather as well as lightweight synthetic materials to suit your preference. The high-quality leather stays soft when it is cold and has an inside that is treated to prevent chafing, and our synthetic products are dirt and water repellent. Regardless of what Snikki components you choose, you can trust that you will have a durable and comfortable tool belt for years to come. All our Snikki belts are developed in close collaboration with craftsmen.


To maximise your comfort at work, we have created a system of ergonomic belts and braces that spread the weight on your hips evenly over your shoulders. We call this the Snikki Ergo system. The Ergo belts and braces can be combined with any tool pouches and material pockets in our range to ensure that you have all the functions you need. In the guide below, we have created nine Snikki designs based on our Ergo system, grouped according to your profession. Whether you are a carpenter, sheet metal worker, electrician or janitor, we have a suggested belt design for you. Naturally, you can create your own, unique design or choose one of our ready-to-wear models.



Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the      body                    
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body

Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife
holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key

Tool holder with 4 pockets,  hammer and sheath knife holders                    
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for nails and knife holder
Tool and material pouch with a larger pocket for nails, screws, tie wire etc, and 2 smaller pockets

Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails as well as knife holder

Box holder for nails and screws

Tool pouch for screws, bolts, nails etc.

Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Holder power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for nails and knife holder
Tool and material pouch with a larger pocket for nails, screws, tie wire etc, and 2 smaller pockets
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails as well as knife holder
Box holder for nails and screws

Tool pouch for screws, bolts, nails etc.
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun


Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key  
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for nails and knife holder
Tool and material pouch with a larger pocket for nails, screws, tie wire etc, and 2 smaller pockets
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails as well as knife holder
Box holder for nails and screws

Tool pouch for screws, bolts, nails etc.
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun


Electrician, installer


Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body

Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers,screwdrivers,
nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape

Tool holder with 3 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers,
​​​​​​​nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder                     
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder

Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc                                                           
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool holder with 10 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool holder with 3 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc  
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body            
Durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Toolpocket with 10 pocket for isolated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc.and holder for tape
Toolpocket with 10 pocket for isolated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc. and holder for tape
Tool holder with 3 pockets for insulated pliers, screwdrivers, nippers etc and holder for tape
Material pouch with two pockets for screws and nails etc.
Material pouch with two pockets for screws and nails etc
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc  
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Popular pockets for Electrician, installer

JAnitor, MAINTENANCE technician


Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body

Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters,
nippers etc
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc

Tool holder with 3 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers etc
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders ​​​​​​​and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key

Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders                                              
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath
knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder

Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch for screws and nails etc

Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 3 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers etc
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders  
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch for screws and nails etc
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Dirt and water repellent material
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Belt with durable outside and soft inside that conforms to the body
Braces with flexible straps
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 10 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, nippers etc
Tool holder with 3 pockets for screwdrivers, pliers etc.
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders and extra holder for Burton key
Tool holder with 4 pockets, hammer and sheath knife holders
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc and sheath knife holder
Tool pouch with 2 pockets for screws and nails etc
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Tool pouch for screws and nails etc
Holder for laser measurer

Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun
Holder for power tools, e.g. screwdriver and nail gun

Popular pockets for JAnitor, MAINTENANCE technician


You can always customise your Snikki belt to get exactly the tool holders and material pouches you want. Just follow these steps to optimise your belt for your profession:

The Snikki Ergo system includes both lightweight, padded belts as well as traditional leather belts that are wider at back for improved support. Combine with braces for extra comfort. The wide shoulder straps help distribute the weight from the tools evenly, decreasing the impact on your body.

Add the material pouches and tool holders that you need for your work. The Snikki system is very flexible and pouches and holders can easily be switched out when needed. They can also be fastened to your regular Fristads leather belt.

Easily attach the pouches using Quick grip for our leather pouches and Quick snap for the pouches in lightweight material.


The classic Snikki belt made of leather has the same great functionality as when we started over 50 years ago but has been modified over time to meet the needs of the modern craftsman.


find your tool belt

the story about snikki

shorts guide
