Quality control in Asia

For 15 years, Fristads has been running an office in Hongkong where professionals from all over the world work together to improve the operation and quality of the products. Fristads also has a team of Quality Controllers in Asia, working not only to improve the quality of products, but also ensuring a good working environment in the factories.     

Hongkong calling

At Fristads’ Hongkong office ten people work within merchandising, sourcing, operation, planning, support, sustainability, IT and finance. The office is strategically located in Hongkong, where it is close to mainland China and has easy access to the professional skills needed for the production. The team works close to the suppliers and the headquarters in Sweden – focusing a lot of their efforts on sustainability issues – both from a social and environmental point of view. Together with the quality controllers, the Hongkong team monitors compliance during the production of Fristads orders. They also provide training and support for our sourcing associates and approved suppliers, to ensure that they are up to date on new sustainability and due diligence regulations. Providing ongoing support and training is an important step to prevent violations of our Code of Conduct, human rights and environmental obligations in our supply chain.​​​​​​​

Hongkong calling

At Fristads’ Hongkong office ten people work within merchandising, sourcing, operation, planning, support, sustainability, IT and finance. The office is strategically located in Hongkong, where it is close to mainland China and has easy access to the professional skills needed for the production. The team works close to the suppliers and the headquarters in Sweden – focusing a lot of their efforts on sustainability issues – both from a social and environmental point of view. Together with the quality controllers, the Hongkong team monitors compliance during the production of Fristads orders. They also provide training and support for our sourcing associates and approved suppliers, to ensure that they are up to date on new sustainability and due diligence regulations. Providing ongoing support and training is an important step to prevent violations of our Code of Conduct, human rights and environmental obligations in our supply chain.​​​​​​​

Team of quality controllers​​​​​​​

Closely connected to the office and CSR team in Hongkong, Fristads has a team of quality controllers working in China, Vietnam, Laos and Bangladesh, where Fristads produces fabric, trims and garments. The team’s mission is to work closely together with the suppliers to ensure both the quality of the products and a good working environment in the factories. The quality controllers work closely with the suppliers, and the material, technical specifications and seams are checked throughout the production to minimise deviations. Each shipment is inspected before departure and in random controls after arrival to catch deviations before they reach the end user.​​​​​​​

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