outdoor trousers
Fristads’ functional trousers for hiking and other outdoor activities come in several styles and are both durable and comfortable, whether you are spending a week in the mountains or just walking the dog around the block. To make sure we minimise our environmental footprint before we hit the trails, our hiking trousers are also made of recycled and organic materials. No matter where you are headed next, our outdoor trousers will take you there.
At Fristads, we make high-quality outdoor clothes for hiking, camping, mountainbiking, paddling and most other types of outdoor activities. Our range includes men’s hiking trousers and women’s hiking trousers, as well as full-stretch and semi-stretch trousers. Just like the rest of the garments in our Outdoor collection, they are designed with comfort, flexibility and function in mind. Not sure which are the best hiking trousers for you? Check out our outdoor trousers guide, where you can compare the different styles side by side.

A sustainable production with as minimal impact on the environment as possible.