In the textile industry, chemicals are used to process raw materials and added to finished products to give garments specific functional properties and to give properties for certain certification requirements. We have extensive knowledge about chemicals and have an ambition to reduce potentially harmful substances in our garments. Naturally, the chemical levels in our garments always comply with EU regulations and our standards are often more stringent than required. This is a result of our own ambition to reduce potentially harmful chemical substances in our garments, as well as an increased market demand for smart chemical management. We actively manage the use of chemicals through our social and environmental compliance programme, as well as through a specific chemical compliance programme, our Restricted Substance List, RSL.
Fristads is following the same Restricted Substance List as Hultafors Group. All suppliers and factories involved in making our products must sign our Restricted Substance List, RSL. Our RSL is updated twice a year based on the chemical guidance of our partner RISE, Sweden’s governmental research institute. Our RSL reflects the latest EU harmonised legislation which includes REACH, POPs regulation, Biocide Regulation and Product Safety Regulation. We also ensure compliance with the SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) Candidate List.

Together with our partner SGS, we run a Chemical Compliance programme that educates our suppliers about chemical management practices. We also continuously test the materials and products at our partner factories.
The programme, launched in 2016, is our way of taking responsibility for creating awareness among our suppliers and helping to educate them in the area of chemical management practices, so as to increase transparency in their own supply chain. The testing of core range raw materials and finished goods is conducted continuously, and test results are reviewed.
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